As an Excel-based simple invoicing solution, you can use all the tools provided by Microsoft Excel to customize the invoice format, including colors, fonts, borders, and even add your own images. Since you don't need the Ship To section, all the shipping-related cells/fields are moved out of the print area.

Compared to the default general-purpose default invoice template, this invoice template provides not only a Bill To section, but also cells/fields for your specific business needs, including insurance company name, claim#, car details including Year, Make, Model, Color. This free invoice template is created from the default sales invoice template included in Excel Invoice Manager.

The invoice template is in Excel format, so you can easily add your own logo image, company details including company name, address, allowing you to create a professional invoice as easy as working on a paper. This free invoice template is designed for auto body repair business, collision repair business or mobile refinisher business. As a small business you may not need a fully featured invoicing system.